Thursday, December 3, 2009

Thanks For The Boots

She was in Kindergarten. This was the Christmas that she wanted cowGIRL boots. We don't know why. But she wanted them, so Santa delivered. They were red with a silver tip on the toe. CUTE, CUTE CUTE! We also got her a hat.

Our Santa always leaves his present unwrapped underneath the tree. So When she came out on Christmas morning, they they were sitting and she put them right on with her pajamas. She was wearing thermals at the time and they slipped right into the boots without a problem.

When it came time to get dressed, I pulled her jeans down over her boots and she started crying. This is before we were aware of all of her sensory issues. She could not stand the feel of those boots against her skin and refused to wear them.


SO I started thinking and pulled out a pair of tights and had to convince her to put them on with jeans. But I did and then put the boots on. When I pulled the jeans down over the boots she was fine. They weren't touching her skin and life was good.

She wore those boots for forever. I had bought her a red shirt and thought that she would only wear them when when color coordinating, but I was wrong. That girl wore them with EVERYTHING. There were nights I would go to tuck her in before I went to bed and she was sleeping in them.

This was the beginning of her love for boots. NOT SHOES, boots.

She has a pair right now that she wears EVERYDAY. She loves them because they have a heel that makes her taller. Even with the heel, she is shorter than the kids at school.

I have a feeling, when she is older, her closet is going to be nothing but boots, flops and slippers. If she can't go anywhere in any of those, she'll just stay home!

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