Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Harmonicas Make You Swear

She was in 2nd Grade.

All she wanted for Christmas was a harmonica and a jump rope. That's it. Both of those items, to me, are stocking stuffers not actual Santa Claus gifts. But every time you asked her what she wanted that is what she came back with.

During this time in her school life she was mainstreamed with the help of a parapro, Tracey. Courtney can make friends with any adult on the face of the planet, but try as she might, kids her age she just, to this day, can't seem to master how to be friends with. Tracey thought Courtney walked on water so when she called me and asked if it was okay for her to get Court a harmonica for Christmas I agreed. Anyone who is nice to my kid is GOLDEN in my book. The last day of school came before vacation and Tracey gave her the harmonica. She called me at work to warn me that it had not been out of the childs mouth all day and she could blow on it pretty loud. I get home that night and Court is all proud and played it for me - if you can call it playing.

The next day I had to run some last minute errands before the big day and she decided to come with me. It is not uncommon at all for Court to be so quiet in the car that I forget she is with me, and I am sure this is what happened this day. Here I am driving down the road, lost in my own thoughts, and all of a sudden she blows on that damn harmonica hard and loud. It scared the crap out of me and I used some words that I am not proud of.

She thought she was hysterical. She sat in the back seat and laughed loud and long.

I GLARE at her in the review mirror and ask her just what in the hell she was thinking.

She looked right back at me and with all the seriousness in the world said

"Mom, I just love this thing. This is the best present EVER. And it fits in my pocket."

We made a rule right then and there that the harmonica was no longer allowed in the car.

And then I prayed that she would never repeat the words that I let slip in the car that day.

1 comment:

  1. 1) How did the prayer that she never repeat those words work for ya?

    2) I'm getting her a squirt gun for Christmas!
