Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Be Carfeul What You Ask Her.....

Christmas for the last several years has been celebrated with the DiMaggios. They are our dear Georgia family. This is a very extended family with Grandparents and Uncles too. These people not only accept my child for who she is, the actually love her. They make sure she is included in everything. Needless to say, they walk on water in my book.

This particular year Santa had brought a family gift instead of just a Courtney gift. He does that sometimes when he is on a budget. This is the year he brought Guitar Hero. And she loved it.

Or at least we thought she did.

When we had our Christmas over at the DiMaggios, she received a Three Stooges DVD as one of her gifts. The child LOVES the Three Stooges. Everyone laughed because she was so excited.

When we got home that night and she was getting read for bed, I asked her what her favorite gift was - fully expecting her to say Guitar Hero.


It was the DVD.

Later, I called Nicki to tell her that was her favorite.

She bust out laughing and said:

"Melissa, I got that out of the dollar bin at Target."

We learned with Courtney that it is not the amount you spend on the child. It is truly the little things.

This year she would like socks that have patterns that she can wear with her boots.
I am having trouble finding ones with designs on them.

I will not stop looking. There are still several days left!


  1. Oh man, there's a sock store here on Haight - nothing but socks and zillions of patterns too. There's just *got* to be something like that where you are. If not - let me know!

  2. I can find them in adult sizes, but not kids. She has a super small foot for a person her age.

  3. I may just head down to Haight today - drop me a message on FB about her shoe size? I've also got a cousin with little narrow feet - I'll see what her mommy says about patterened socks.

  4. Ooops, 'patterned' - see what happens when I type without caffeine?

  5. Devin wears a kids size 2 and the target socks in the womens section fit fine, but only the knee socks, not the shorter ones. She wears them with her converse shoes and shorts.....
