Monday, June 13, 2011

It Is All About Respect

Yesterday Scott and I went to the pool. Courtney chose to sleep through pool time. I swear that kid can sleep like no one else!

When we arrived and were walking to our chairs, I heard my name. I looked down to see two women sitting in the pool with their kids. They were talking about their friend who is named Melissa.

Apparently these two women and their families got together with Melissa's family the night before. After Melissa got home, she called her two friends to tell them that her son had a fever.

Now, we have all been get notice that your kid hung out with another kid who is now sick and you watch your kid for the next week making sure they don't get sick too. And if you really stopped to think about it, your kid can get sick just by going to the grocery store. The only difference is you don't have a mom calling you to warn you.

The two women proceeded to sit and talk not so nicely about their "friend" and her parenting. They even went on to say that her son looks like a girl and they feel sorry for him.

Not even 30 minutes later, Melissa shows up to the pool with her son, who does not look like a girl, he looks like a toddler. The two women were sugary nice to her.

I hate that. If you don't like someone or don't want to hang out with someone, respect them enough to tell them or cut your ties with them. Don't sit there and talk about them in a public forum where anyone can hear and then be fake to them.

I think friendship is a lot about respect. Respect the friendship enough to always be honest, to address issues when they arise (and they will arise), to forgive because you will want to be forgiven and then to also forget and concentrate on the positive.

Scott and I don't have a lot of friends by choice. Those we do have we respect enough to be 100% honest with them.

And I think they respect that about us!

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