Tuesday, June 28, 2011

18 Years And Counting

Scott and I celebrated our 18th Wedding Anniversary on June 19th.

18 Years.

That sounds like such a long time, but if I really think about it, it doesn't seem like that long at all. But things have certainly changed over the years.

Like when we first started dating, we used to love to go eat at The Sizzler (a California restaurant chain). Now we prefer non chain places that no one has ever heard of, but that the owners come to our table and chat for a few minutes.

Friday nights used to be come home from work, change clothes and go out. Stay out super late and sleep half of the day away on Saturday. Now Friday night, we order pizza, watch a movie and fall asleep in the chair.

Home cooked meals used to be hot dogs and mac and cheese. Now it is a variety of meals that invlove way more than two steps. (But we still do an old school throw back of hot dogs every now and then.)

Bed time consisted of being wrapped up in the sheets and each other. His breath on my neck. Now it is a bigger bed, with way more expensive sheets and a dog somewhere in between us.

But there is plenty that hasn't changed.

Like when I am gone all day and pull into the driveway to see him stop and smile at me when I walk in.

How I don't have to even open my eyes or say a word and he knows when to pull me close and we fall right back to sleep together...sometimes only for 20 minutes.

How I can't even IMAGINE what life would be like if I wasn't with him and, truth be told, I can't remember what it was like before him.

18 years ago I thought I married the best man on the face of the earth, but I was wrong.

He just keeps getting better and better. I can't wait to see what the next 18 years brings me!

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't have said it better myself - even after 54 years.
