Sunday, June 12, 2011

I Am Sorry, What Did You Say?

Being born and raised in California like I was, I have hard time understanding people who talk with an accent.

The first time Scott took me to meet his parents in Georgia, we went to a Cracker Barrel for dinner, and the waitress came to the table, said something and stared at me. I sat there for a minute, looked at Scott with a puzzled expression and he told she asked what I would like to drink. I didn't understand a word she said. She was speaking English, just with an accent.

Scott and his brother, Brandon, like a British TV show called The Young Ones. They think it is hysterical and quote lines from it all the time. I have tried to watch it on more than one occasion, but I can't understand what they say, so the show really loses it's effect on me.

Last night, Scott and I rented The Godfather. Neither one of us had seen the movie before. I must of asked Scott to pause it a million times to tell me what was said, because I could not understand. It was a good movie, but I probably would have enjoyed it more could I have understood and not had to stop and start the movie all the time. Not to mention that it made a three hour movie much longer than three hours.

People here in Georgia never fail to ask me where I am from. They point out that I don't sound like I am from around here. But I would like to point out that at least they understand what I say when I talk to them....

Unlike me, who can only understand you if you were born and raised in California as well.

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