Thursday, January 7, 2010

Snow Day

As most of you know, I was born and raised in California. We didn't get snow days there. The most we did was earthquake drills. That's it.

Courtney was in 2nd grade. There was a threat of snow overnight that didn't happen. When I woke up that morning, I looked out the window and saw that there was no snow and had Court get ready for school and I got ready for work.

When I arrived at the school there were cars in the parking lot and I pulled up, dropped Court off and went to work like any other normal day.

When I got to work, my boss says to me what did you do with Courtney today? I looked at her like she was smoking dope, and told her that I dropped her off at school. She looked at me and told me that school was closed today. I asked her why and she explained that it was a snow day EVEN THOUGH THERE WAS NO SNOW!

Paniced, I called the school and they had her in the office and were laughing at me. Scott went and picked her up and all was fine.

That was the year that I DIDN'T WIN the mother of the year award.

But I still need someone to explain to me WHY school would be closed if IT DIDN'T SNOW!!!!????!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love this story! As a Mom with a long list of her own personal gaffes and snafus, I take pleasure in reading of other's mistakes as well! Many of your other entries are quite heartfelt; the one on marriage is so true. Thank you for your support on my own blog. It is a healing forum, isn't it, to share one's thoughts and fears in a blog? I find it freeing. Although, after reading your blog, I realize you are far more prolific than me. I need to get writing!
