Friday, January 7, 2011

My Weight Watcher's Story

I have been asked to speak at a Weight Watcher's meeting tomorrow. Here is what I plan on saying. I hope it is interesting:

Hi! My name is Melissa Coleman and I have been a Weight Watcher’s member since July 1st 2010.

I became a Life Time member this past Wednesday.

Growing up I was the type of person who could eat anything I wanted. If I needed to lose any weight, I would just skip lunch and I would be fine.

Then I got married to a man who liked to have a little snack each night before bed. Who was I to tell him no, and I liked to snack, so I joined him and put on enough weight to go up a size in clothing the first year we were married.

Then I got pregnant and while I didn’t put on a ton of weight, my metabolism just stopped and I had trouble KEEPING the weight off when she was born.

A couple of years later I lost a bunch of weight and a bunch of money doing Herbalife. 2 Shakes a day and one meal. As soon as I started eating again, the weight came right back on.

Finally, 11 years later my husband told me something I already knew – he said no one can make you lose the weight but you. If you are unhappy, do something about it.

So I joined Weight Watchers. But I was determined that if I was going to do this, I was going to have fun doing it. Luckily for me, I have a leader who has a sense of humor and fellow members who like to laugh. I like my meeting for that reason. I have made friends that have helped me and I have helped be successful.

I believe in this program. If you follow it, it will work. If you put a little into it, you will lose a little weight. If you put a lot into it, you will lose a lot of weight.

If I can do this, anyone can do it.

I stand up here in front of you today, wearing a size 8 jean. 6 months ago I was a size 16. I am off of my high blood pressure medicine. I have walked in 4 5K’s and am currently training to walk a half marathon in March.

I think the thing to do is believe in yourself and surround yourself with others who believe in you and respect what you are doing.

I believe in this program and I believe in you!

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