Friday, December 17, 2010

A Simple Post to Say Thank You

It takes a special person to serve in the military.

You work 24 hours a day.

Sleep is considered a luxury.

Family is considered an annoyance.

The food is terrible.

So, why would someone VOLUNTEER to serve?

For some, it is a way out of a bad home life. For others, it is a way to learn a trade or go to school. For some, it is their last shot at getting their act together.

Whatever the reasons are, the person sacrifices to be in the military.

Here we are knee deep in making holiday plans; planning menus, making travel arrangements and buying presents. But, unfortunately, these men and women won’t get to participate. They are too far away to stop by for gifts and dinner. Their kids won’t jump on their bed Christmas morning asking to get up to see if Santa came. The best that some of these people will receive t is a MRE (meals ready to eat) and bullets to load into their gun to fight the never ending war. Some will have to stand duty on the quarterdeck of their ship in the middle of an ocean so far from land that they can’t remember what it is like to walk on solid ground. Some won’t get to make phone calls home to hear about the festivities and to say I love You.

So, while this is supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year, it really isn’t for our men and women in the military.

Scott and I have taught Courtney that whenever she sees someone in uniform, she is to stop and thank them for serving our country. It doesn’t seem like such a wonderful thing to do, but you should see how these men and women respond to her. They stop and look her in the eye and smile at her like she is the only person that has ever thanked them. You can tell how much they appreciate it.

Do me a favor, and pray for our military men and women this Christmas Season.

And if you see one in uniform, just say a simple thank you!

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