Friday, December 10, 2010

Baby, It's Cold Outside

Courtney is blessed to have great-grandparents on both sides of her family.

When she was born, and she met Scott’s grandparents for the first time, Grandpa would sing to her. They were songs I didn’t know and he wouldn’t sing all of the song, just little snippets. The songs would change depending on what time of year he would see her. But – he mostly saw her in the winter time when it was cold outside.

Oh, baby, you’ll freeze out there
It’s up to your knees out there

When she was a baby she would just look at him, but as she got older, she would smile and he would sing it again.

I had no idea what he was singing but LOVED that he sang to her and that she enjoyed it.

Then, about 6 years ago, we were all at Scott’s parents for Christmas and rented the movie Elf with Will Ferrell. Courtney was 8 years old. It got to the part of the movie where the song Baby, It’s Cold Outside was sung. I was sitting next to Grandpa, and I turned to him and said “HEY! That’s that song that you sing to Courtney.” He looked at me like I was a little nuts.

I went out and bought the sound track to that movie just to hear that song.

And every Christmas I get it out and listen to that song over and over.

It is now one of my favorites.

All because Grandpa sang a snippet of it to my daughter long ago.

There’s bound to be talk tomorrow
Think of my life long sorrow
At least there will be plenty implied
If you caught pneumonia and died
I really can’t stay
Get over that hold out
Ahh, but it’s cold outside.

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