Thursday, February 10, 2011

15 Years and I Seems Like Yesterday

I woke Scott up at 4:00am and told him my water broke.

He just looked at me.

I told him to hand me the phone so I could call the doctor.

Labor had just started and she told me to get up and go walk to get it going and she would call periodically to check on me.

So walk I did.

Finally, at 11:00am, the doctor told me to meet her at the hospital. I made Scott shave my legs because I didn’t want to deliver a baby with hairy legs.

Scott not only obliged, he had already flipped the mattress, changed the sheets and prepared the house for my mom’s arrival from California.

I was pre-registered at the hospital. When I arrive, I told the attendant the labor and delivery was expecting me. He had the nerve to ask me if I was in labor. I stood there and told him that my water broke over 7 hours ago and my contractions were 5 minutes apart, so I am pretty sure that YEAH I AM IN LABOR.

They get me to my room and hook me up to everything and told me we should be done by 3:00pm.

3:00pm came and went.

The epidural wore off and they couldn’t give me another one.




Scott called our neighbors and they brought him some dinner.



I finally told Scott that I didn’t want to do this anymore and let’s just go home.

Apparently, that was not an option.

9:03pm she finally arrived.

They laid all 8lbs 1oz 19.5” of her on my stomach.

She wasn’t crying and the room was nice and dark.

I put my hands on her and whispered to her how I had been waiting all day to meet her.

She craned her head back to look at me, with both eyes open.

And my heart melted into a big pile of mush.

15 years later my heart still melts.

She is my life and I cannot imagine what things would be like without her.

I am SO glad she is mine!!!!

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